It’s been a long journey to the decision of becoming parents. That’s given us the opportunity to reflect over how to parent. We’ve discussed how it’s absolutely incredible how many people giving you advice, telling you all these stories, mostly the negative ones, of what you all can’t do. I took it in, where as my husband said: hey, just twist it and use it as motivation to show them the opposite!
That’s been the best attitude I could imagine and an underlying attitude I had, but suppressed to be the obedient one, confirming to societal expectations, even if I greatly dislike to swim with the stream.
Reinventing parenting, a series that starts with this last weeks of pregnancy, a podcast episode. A series on how to differently parent and be as a couple, the non-conformity approach to newly baked parents.
The how to go about it guide:
Step 1: Do it your way! Ignore others, you know best!
Step 2: Dare to swim against the stream. Every couple, every baby is unique.
Step 3: Partnership ALWAYS comes first. Set date nights out weekly. Unhappy couples don’t stay together.
Step 4: Live out your sex life. Sex rejuvenates, releases endorphins, spotlights the couple as lovers, not parents.
Step 5: Organise support from day 1. We hired a babysitter from day 1, day 5 we’re out for dinner just the two of us.
Step 6: Plan trips with and without the baby. We’ve already booked individual and family trips to New York and across Asia.
Listen to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/se/podcast/dr-simones-mind-space/id1532493956