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Oct 26, 2020
What's happening to the psyche of the world?
Sitting in rainy Milano, reflecting over the many discussions I’ve had with people from different professions, the experience to walk all...

Oct 26, 2020
Emotional Intelligence
In today’s episode, live streaming from Milano, I have the pleasure to talk to Emmanuelle, upper school teacher in French, (Personal,...

Oct 23, 2020
Women in today's society
What inspires me as a young female academic is to be a role model for future generations of women. Especially, being Swiss with a very...

Oct 23, 2020
Family Dynamics
Families and their patterns are familiar and universal, yet they tend to go about without our conscious awareness. It is very difficult...

Oct 14, 2020
Emerging Adults: Attention Needed!
Many young adults in today’s world are faced with a very challenging outlook for their future. Despite their educational level,...

Oct 13, 2020
Couple's Life
Today’s episode discusses topics related to couples. No matter in which stage of your relationship you are, conflicts are normal and...

Oct 6, 2020
Global Mental Health and Why it Matters
My aim is to reduce the population burden of mental disorders through research, teaching, training, and advocacy. I am passionate about...

Oct 5, 2020
Resilient people are characterized by: Positive, realistic outlook Moral compass Belief in something greater than themselves Altruistic...

Oct 4, 2020
Women empowering Women
Today’s podcast is an interview with Natalia, a physicist and nuclear power engineer. We’re talking about women supporting women. What...

Oct 2, 2020
GROW and how to provide feedback
The GROW coaching model consists of four steps. The word GROW is actually an acronym for Goal - Reality - Options - Will. The first step...

Oct 2, 2020
Seasonal affective disorder
Fall and winter are on their way. It’s getting darker and many of us notice their energy levels getting lower and their mood following...

Sep 29, 2020
Ein Thema das uns alle angeht, dennoch nicht einfach zu lösen ist. Mobbing hat serious consequences für die betroffene Person. Macht,...

Sep 18, 2020
Yoga, self-reflection and self-care
What can we learn from Dina, yoga teacher in NYC about mental well-being and coping strategies during 2020. Sticking to routines (yoga,...

Sep 16, 2020
Performance anxiety / Prüfungsstress
Selbstattribution von Misserfolgen führt zu einer Negativspirale und vermindertem Selbstwertgefühl. Jugendliche in unserer...

Sep 14, 2020
Resliente Leute zeichnen sich aus durch: Positiven, realistischen Ausblick Moralischen Kompass Glauben an etwas grösseres als sich...

Aug 29, 2020
Identity Development
One of the most challenging, yet most exciting phases in life is emerging adulthood. A stance of in-between, a stage of exploration and...

Aug 28, 2020
Routines and how they guide us through the day
Many of us have been interrupted in our flow of life during the past half a year. Some have made it through easily, others have struggled...

Aug 28, 2020
Stay motivated and be in a state of flow
How can we motivate ourselves to continue tasks and projects we’d like to complete? What is it that gets people into a state of flow? It...

Aug 27, 2020
Career and School Assessments
What can we learn about ourselves from potential analysis and personality assessments? The longterm experience working with school...

Jul 13, 2020
The on and off school situation: parents at the verge
For a society the most important good is education. Parents around the world are put under tremendous pressure and stress to home school...
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